
We would like to advise that this incident has now been resolved.


Our engineers have restored the email services for servers to

Further updates to follow.


We have identified the root cause and our engineers are currently implementing a manual fix to each individual effected server. The cPanel servers that email services have returned back to normal are to

Further updates to follow once more cPanel servers have been restored.


We have continued to receive reports that some users are still unable to send out emails from our cPanel platform. Our engineers are still investigating the matter and working on a fix as a priority.

Further updates to follow.


Monitoring - The technical team have restored the email services on the affected cPanel servers.

We have been monitoring these services and can see that majority of customers are now able to send out emails again.

We will be closely monitoring the platform and will provide a further update once the incident has been completely resolved.


Identified - We have identified the root cause to this issue and our technical team are testing this out now before making the changes live to the cPanel platform.

We understand your email services are important to your business, and we aim to get this back online as soon as possible.


We have received reports that some customers hosted on our cPanel platform are currently experiencing issues with sending out mail. We are currently investigating this matter and will provide a further update once we have more information on the matter.

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